Buying a License in California

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Buying a Liquor License in California

If you’re looking for a liquor license, you’ve come to the right place. At License Gold, we understand the value of a liquor license and how it can impact your business. That’s why we’ve developed a real-time, up-to-date database of all available licenses, giving you the most current information to make informed decisions.

Our team of expert brokers has years of experience in the liquor license market and can help guide you through the buying process from start to finish. Whether you’re looking for a Type 47 license for a restaurant or a Type 21 license for a liquor store, we have the resources and expertise to help you find the right license for your needs.

We take pride in providing personalized service and attention to each of our clients, ensuring that you receive the support you need every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you find the perfect liquor license for your business.

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The Process

If you’re considering purchasing a liquor license in California, it’s important to understand the process for transferring the license to your business. Here’s a plain-English overview of the steps involved:
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Make sure you're eligible

Before you can transfer a liquor license, you need to make sure you meet certain requirements. This includes being of legal age and meeting residency requirements. Additionally, you must not have any disqualifying convictions or outstanding tax debts.

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Find a license to purchase

You can either purchase an existing license from another business on the secondary market or apply for a new license from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). Keep in mind that in some counties, there may be a limit on the number of new licenses that can be issued. The services of a qualified broker are often useful to locate a license and thoroughly vet the potential seller to make sure its a ‘good deal’ for both parties.

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Submit a transfer application

Once you've found a license to purchase, you'll need to submit a transfer application to the Department of ABC. This application will include a purchase agreement and other supporting documents, such as financial statements and a lease agreement.

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Wait for approval

The Department of ABC will review your transfer application and may ask for additional information or documentation. The approval process can take several months, so be patient.

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Pay the transfer fee

If your transfer is approved, you'll need to pay a transfer fee to the Department of ABC. The fee amount will depend on the type of license and the location.

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(Possibly) attend a transfer hearing

In some cases, the Department of ABC may require a transfer hearing to be held before the transfer can be approved. This hearing allows the public to voice any concerns about the transfer.

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Receive the license

Once the transfer is approved and all fees are paid, you'll receive the license and can start selling alcohol.

At License Gold, we specialize in helping buyers navigate the entire transfer process and can find the perfect license at the right price for their business. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your liquor license needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

To buy a liquor license in California, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the type of license you need based on your business type and alcohol sales requirements.
  2. Search for available licenses in your desired location, either through online listings, a liquor license broker, or by contacting the ABC directly.
  3. Negotiate the terms of the sale with the seller, including price and any contingencies.
  4. Submit a transfer application to the ABC, along with all required documents and fees.
  5. Wait for the ABC to review and approve the license transfer.

The cost of buying a liquor license varies widely depending on factors such as the license type, location, and market demand. Prices can range from tens of thousands to upwards of half a million dollars in high-demand areas. In addition to the purchase price, you will also need to pay transfer fees, sometimes finders fees and any applicable escrow costs.

There are several ways to find available liquor licenses for sale in California:

  • Search online listings and marketplaces specializing in liquor license sales
  • Work with a reputable liquor license broker who has access to off-market opportunities
  • Contact the ABC directly for information on available licenses in your desired area
  • Network with industry professionals and attend local business events.

When buying a liquor license, consider the following factors:

  • License type: Ensure the license type aligns with your business needs and alcohol sales requirements.
  • Location: Consider the zoning, demographics, and competition in the area where you plan to operate.
  • Price: Assess the fair market value of the license and ensure it fits within your budget.
  • Transferability: Confirm that the license is clean and can be successfully transferred to your business location.
  • Timing: Allow sufficient time for the transfer process, which can take several months to a year or more.

Yes, at License Gold, we specialize in helping clients find the right liquor license for their business needs. Our experienced team can guide you through the process, from identifying available licenses to negotiating the sale and navigating the transfer process. We have a deep understanding of the California liquor license market and can provide valuable insights to ensure a successful transaction.